Secretly filming me and my drunk wife screwing!
Video Comment
When I was reading Breaking Dawn the plot didn't seem all that sgarnte to me. After watching this video it does seem weird. The whole making fun of Twilight thing has gotten really old really fast. It was kind of funny at first but I'm really tired of hearing, Twilight ruined vampires! Edward is a pedophile! Sparkly vampires are so gay! It's metaphor for Mormonism! If you read or watched Twilight and didn't like it then it wasn't meant for you. It is written for a very specific segment of the population. It was never meant to appeal to everyone. To any anti-Twilight person I suggest, before you go on a rant about how awful Twilight is, you ask yourself this question: Is this stupid little teen vampire romance really worth all the time and energy I spend being angry at it?No? See, isn't everything so much clearer when we put it in perspective? Now that it is not longer directed at Twilight I recommend you direct all your hostility at something that is really destroying the moral values of America: American Idol.
Finndig this post has answered my prayers