Hardworking Cock Blowing Babe!

Description: This bored, butt naked, amateur brunette is trying very hard to get her boyfriends attention away from his TV watching with her combined blow and handjob action. But all she ends up with is a gooey, sticky, jizz mess allover her perky tits!
Submissive cock blowing bitch!
4440 days ago
POV Style Cock Blowing!
4266 days ago
Hardworking, dick adoring bitch!
4770 days ago
length: 04:05 | views: 6284 | added: 2012-09-17 11:39:07 | submitted by: AMALand
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( Report Spam ) Anonymous wrote 4446 days ago:

Again, you make my point for me. You cite a statement where I am nigvig my opinion of what I prefer for my own sexualty, and my seem to take my explanation some blanket statement as to why it is wrong for others. I do not feel it is wrong for others again, I stated in my original post, all entitled to their sexual pursuits. (And some are more physically flexible than others.) You reject the hemmoroids anal sex connection. I just did a search on Google, and most of the resources that turn up do not reject this connection, nor do I. Not a doctor, I base my conclusion on the numbers of partners I have had with this problem (a good many young people). There are also sorts of reasons for hemorroids, it is clearly not easily explained in a cause and effect way can be genetic, for example. But stool consistency is frequently cited as a contributor so why would anything else going in and out of there not be? The literature also mention that anal fissures can frequently be mistaken for hemmorhoids fissures (or tears) develop from friction, and anal fissures, even very miniscule or microscopic ones, are very frequently cited as very likely opportunity for the Aids virus (in high concentration in semen) to enter the bloodstream.I don't accept your history of Aids, simply because there are many points of view on the etiology. Yours is a new one on me, and I have heard hundreds. I can tell you that from a practical point of view, Aids emerged in NYC as a mysterious cancer that no one could explain the victims of the virus did not have the necessary info to protect themselves. (I don't need a run-down on opportunitic infections and variety of same I am well aware.) Young people today do not have the excuse of lack of information (unless they were forcibly raped or incapable of understanding what they were doing to begin with. Young, uninformed people continue to have sex, so the whole subject is a touchy one.) I have worked in hospitals for many years with Aids patiends, so I feel that I have a pretty good grasp of the progression of the virus. Partly because there are some accepted (but expensive) treatments now, there is a complacency about sex and risk. But this is far beyond what I ever intended to post. Again, my comment was only that about the limited scope of Davey's statements about one kind of sex. But then again, I would probably bristle at the notion that gay people should do anything at all. Gays are a diverse community of individuals that are pursuing many types of sex, relationships and goals. (As you may have guessed from my original post, I hated the clone look , for example, which was popular in New York if you are too young to remember, it was a fashion that we all should wear leather bomber jackets. Definite peer pressure to buy one of those things. Ugh.) We all should do nothing but lead positive and productive lives in my opinion. I'm sure Davey's intent was much more light-hearted than the impression I'm leaving, but my response was merely that there is a wide range of sexuality out there, and there is.


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