Early Christmas blowjobs!
Description: My girlfriend always start giving out her Christmas presents early every year... and to me, it means two amateur blowjobs a day all the way till New Years Eve!
length: 04:00 | views: 5616 | added: 2011-12-20 12:18:22 | submitted by: amateurporn
Video Comment
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Anonymous wrote 4232 days ago:
a way late atiiddon to this: i was renaidg the night before christmas to my nieces this past christmas, and all i could think about was this post. why? because the first time i read this, it was all i could think of, as it seemed to fit so effortlessly with the poem's meter 'twas the night before christmas, and all through the house, not a fuck was given not even the mouse. it makes no sense, but, god, i simply can't read it any other way now.